Different Strokes for Different Folks

This morning I was reminded how different we are in what we read. My sister-in law called to tell me how much she was enjoying a book I'd sent her on the subject of mental health. She went on and on about how that subject fascinates her. Not me. You won't find me near those kinds of books. Art is a subject many people enjoy. They read about it and visit galleries and museums. I can't say that's a subject of great interest to me. When visiting such places I seem to enjoy the modern art most, and tend to like abstract paintings. That's all I know about art and have no interest in reading about it. Music is a good one. The world if full of people who travel great distances to listen to music. I must have a tin ear. Tone the noise level down to the level you would use when listening to easy listening music and I can listen to anything and never know the difference. From time to time I listen to easy listening / background music but that's about it. I have no interest in reading about musicians. I always feel dumb when working crossword puzzles because I never know the names of the actors that starred in any movies. When people refer to movies and tell me the actors in hopes some spark of intelligence will cross my face they're disappointed.

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